Sunday, 12 June 2011

Updates on life - 200 Followers!

My Internet speed has been shockingly poor recently.  They say a picture speaks a thousand words so here we go, check out these stats:
Yeah, that's right. My upload is higher than my download speed right now.  I'm with Virgin on a 20mb package, I think I've received 19.5MB ONCE in the entire time I've been with them.  Needless to say 400kbs takes the biscuit a little so a complaint was in order. Virgin are sending out a technician tomorrow to fix it.  Apparently according to their call centre we have a "low power on the upstream" and a technician is being sent tomorrow to increase the power on the upstream.  LOL.
It takes me 10 minutes to buffer a 1 minute YouTube video, it's painfully slow to say the least.

Tomorrow I've set myself the task of designing a new blog logo and doing a complete overhaul of the layout here.  I've got plenty of time to do it as my exams are over now!  I'm not really that artistic some I'm going to have to search around for some inspiration on a few other blogs and tutorials I s'pose.

Oh yeah, 200 followers! :D
Peace guys.

PS. Comment back with your Internet speeds.  I test mine at


  1. Sucks about your speeds. Mine get crazy low during peak hours. Every day from ~5-10pm I might as well have dial up.
    Congrats on the followers.

  2. mine is about 18...but i paid for 25.
    upload is about 3

  3. ouch that really does suck! hope you get it sorted soon man

  4. Congrats on the followers and completing your exams! Sucks about your internet hope you get it fixed asap :D

  5. wow man congratzulatioznz. i want high upload .(

  6. Grats on 200. Can't wait to see the new logo!

  7. It could be your router or modem, either way that's some awful stats for your speed. What's your ping?

  8. Being a Virgin Media customer myself, I agree with you here that their internet is horrible.
    In my case, my upload speed is horrible. I think that the only reason why they can get away with this is because they were the only residential ISP in the country that offered Fibre Optic broadband. As soon as BT Infinity is available in my area, I'll definitely be switching!

  9. my internet has recently been slow too. conspiracy!

  10. Grats on the 200 man. Good luck on the new layout.

  11. Ugh, I know how annoying a slow internet can be. Hang in there!

  12. congratulation on 200 followers.
    I wish I had that many ;)

  13. well done on 200! i just hit 100 myself, feels good!

  14. congrats on 200! im hoping to get close to that someday!

  15. congratulations on these 200 followers!

  16. CONGRATS ON YOUR 200 followers!

  17. great job on getting 200+ followers but whats the story behind your upload

  18. Mine says 1.3 mbps. But I'm on a 512kbps plan?!

  19. congrats. dont feel too bad- i have similar speeds at night

  20. Congrats on the followers! That is hideous internet speed.

  21. gratz on the following =D

  22. gratz on breaking the 200 mark. Here's to 200 more!

  23. Used to happen on my old phone all the time, half an hour buffering to watch some tiny clip someone sent me.

  24. congratulation man. you gonna make alot more if you keep that awesome

  25. My cell phone does better than that... wow
